Adman enabled for every post

Adman is a plugin for Wordpress that insert automatically in the middle of every post you select the portion code of your Google Adsense account.
It's really usefull: don't think about where e when place the ads when you are writing you posts.

When you install the plugin, of default all posts are sets as disabled to adman.
If you need to active the ads for every post published, without select and enable the option in the post option, you can launch an SQL command in your database.
Infact when the adman is disabled for a post there is a line in database, under the table wp_postmeta. If you delete this record the ad will appear.

So try to do this:

meta_key = 'adman_disable_temp'
meta_key = 'adman_disable'

Works? There are ads in every old posts? OK, now you can delete all records with the meta_key = 'adman_disable_temp'.


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